Healing Touch Classes

Advanced Healer Preparation – Course 3

March 22-23, 2024 | El Cajon, CA
Contact Pam Grigg:  691-322-9552


Download Brochure HERE

Case Management & Professional Practice – Course 4

May 3-5, 2023 | Oceanside, CA
Contact Pamela Grigg:  619-322-9552

Download Brochure HERE

Self Evaluation & Professional Development – Course 5

September 6-8, 2024 | Poway, CA
Contact Anne Day:  858-877-0477

Download Brochure HERE

Healing Touch Class Descriptions

Healing Touch is a multi-level program in energy-based therapy that moves from beginning to advanced practice. After completion of Level 5, a person is eligible to apply for certification from Healing Touch International, Inc.

Course 1- Foundations of Healing Touch begins with 17-20 continuing education contact hours of instruction, allowing persons with varying backgrounds to enter, acknowledge their previous learning and to further develop concepts and skills in energy-based therapy. A strong commitment to personal growth is required.

Course 2 – Energetic Patterning and Clinical Applications is for students who have completed course 1 and wish to increase breadth and depth in the study of Healing Touch. (17-20 continuing education contact hours.) The second level of study in Healing Touch includes an intake interview, back techniques and a one-hour healing sequence. Emphasis in the experiential learning is on developing healing sequences for specific client needs.

Course 3 – Advanced Healer Preparation is for students who desire more in-depth skills in Healing Touch, and have successfully completed course 1 and 2. This course includes: development of Higher Sense Perception (HSP), sequencing of healing techniques, working with guidance, self-healing and self-development. (17-20 continuing education contact hours).

Course 4 – Case Management and Professsional Practice. This course prepares the student to become a Healing Touch Practitioner and establish a practice setting. Practice concerns are explored including establishing a private practice, incorporating Healing Touch into a current practice setting either working alone or with others. The following topics are addressed: business concepts, client/practitioner relationships, networking with other practitioners, identifying energy patterns in clients and scope of practice. Professional development as a healer is explored including addressing professional ethics, standards of practice and role as a healer.

Course 5 – Self Evaluation and Professional Development focuses on the completion of projects begun in Healing Touch course 4. The following will be addressed: the mentorship experience, community and networking activities, establishment of practice, development of expertise in a Healing Touch practice, self development as a healer.

Courses 4 & 5 classes are usually done in a retreat setting.

Journaling Classes

Journaling the Healing Journey – Journaling is widely acknowledged by leaders in the holistic health movement to be an integral part of the journey toward health and wellness. In this 2 day workshop, the student learns proven techniques to process and chronicle the healing journey. One learns new ways to access the inner healer and facilitate the healing process for oneself and others.

Journaling the Spiritual Journey – The spiritual journey is an evolution in who we think we are and what we believe about our purpose. Journal writing provides us with a way to chart this important journey. The focuses on connecting with the spiritual part of ourselves and providing tools for personal growth, as well as techniques to assist others on the journey to spiritual wholeness.

Professional Development Classes

Energy Wisdom and Practice – Increase your repertoire of healing tools with a variety of different healing approaches that will aid in balancing the body, decrease symptoms from muscular-skeletal disorders and provide the client an opportunity for deep healing. Explore sacred geometry and the foundations of energy medicine. The course is open to all experienced energy workers.

Healing Disruptive Energy Patterns – Chronic pain often involves an injury that creates a pattern of “memory” that is retained within the body. Learn how to work with these energy patterns through an extensive review of the body system. It is open to all experienced energy workers who desire to learn how to work with releasing disruptive energy patterns causing pain.